How to Use MBOX Splitter Online for Maximum Efficiency?

3 min readMar 12, 2024


What is MBOX Splitter?

Online MBOX Splitter is a simple tool made to help you organize and manage your old emails more easily. It’s specifically made for MBOX files, which are generally used to store email messages on computers.

How Does it Work?

Using this online tool is super easy. All you need to do is upload your MBOX file and select the splitting option which is by year, size, or sender. It’ll automatically split your file into smaller and manageable files making it easier for you to go through your old email files. MBOX Splitter makes it easy by breaking down large files into smaller and manageable files.

How to Use MBOX Splitter Online?

Step 1: Select Your Files

Drag and Drop or select the MBOX file to the online tool.

Step 2: Select the Splitting Option

Select the Splitting Option which is by year, size, and sender.

Step 3: Start the Process

Click the “Split MBOX file” button.

Step 4: Access the Files

Once your process is complete, you can download or access the small files.

Choose Your Split Option (small splitting Options)

The MBOX Splitter Online allows some splitting options. You can choose to break your MBOX file by year, size, or sender. These good split methods give you more freedom to divide your MBOX file to set up your email files.

Small Splitting Options are

Split by year: This feature allows users to split their MBOX files based on the year in which the emails were sent or received.

Users can mention a particular year or an order of years for the splitting process.

It helps organize emails serially, making it easier to navigate through old emails and locate specific messages from a particular year.

Split by size: This option allows users to break their MBOX files based on the size of the messages.

Users can specify a size limit which is MB for each split file and the tool will automatically break the MBOX file in the correct order.

It helps manage large email archives more efficiently by breaking them into smaller and manageable chunks.

Split by Sender: This method enables users to divide their MBOX files based on the sender’s email address.

Users can name one or more sender email addresses for the dividing process.

It helps users organize their emails by sender, making it easier to track communications with particular individuals or companies.

Why Should You Use it?

Organize Your Inbox

With MBOX Splitter, you can neatly organize your old email files into smaller files based on the way you like year, sender, or size.

Save Time

No more wasting your time for searching that important email covered within a lot of messages. MBOX Splitter helps you find what you need quickly and easily.

Customer Support

Get help anytime with 24/7 customer support through live chat and email service.


It’s safe and easy — no need to download or install anything with our cloud platform.

Who Can Get Advantages from MBOX Splitter?

Whether you’re a busy professional trying to stay up to date or you are a normal user looking to clean your messy email archives. MBOX Splitter is a easy tool that understand your needs no matter how big or small are your email files.

Key features of an Free MBOX splitter tool

Easily Upload Your File

The free tool allows users to easily upload their MBOX files directly from their computer. This feature make sure benefit and accessibility for users with different file storage option.

Automatic Splitting

Once the MBOX file is uploaded the splitter tool automatically checks its contents and divide it into smaller and manageable files. This process is generally based on user-defined settings such as a particular year, sender, or size making it easier to organize and navigate through the email archives.

Secure and Privacy

MBOX splitter tools focus on the security and privacy of user data. They apply encryption and other security way to protect sensitive information contained within the MBOX files making sure that user data remains safe across the splitting process.

User-Friendly Interface

The user interface of MBOX splitter online is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate even for users with limited technical knowledge.

Cross-Platform Usage

This tools is web-based applications that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This cross-platform compatibility make sure that users can split their MBOX files anytime, anywhere, and from any device.

